Betamax Wallet

The easy, fast, and safe decentralized secure wallet for community to store their crypto and NFT assets.

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About Betamax

Betamax created with advanced security technology for community to stay connected 24/7 with their crypto and NFTs assets. From send, receive, and store $AVAX, $KPG to collect your valuable NFTs bought exclusively on Baliola NFT Marketplace.

One wallet, many functions

Betamax is ‘one-stop wallet’ that has many functions

Collect your KEPENG

You can find send, receive, transaction KEPENG here

Collect your NFT from Baliola

You can buy your NFT in Baliola and you can collect it on Betamax Wallet

Transaction discount by KEPENG

Get many discount from every transaction by KEPENG (KPG)

You can buy your KEPENG (KPG) at GRAHAKPG

Betamax Feature

Betamax has many feature that will help you to find, send, receive, transaction KEPENG (KPG) and collect your NFT


You can receive KEPENG (KPG) from the other person


Send and sharing KEPENG (KPG) to your friends

Collect NFT

Save your NFT from Baliola. You can see your collection only from your wallet

Download your
Betamax Wallet

Start to use Betamax Wallet to transaction by KEPENG (KPG) and collect your NFT from Baliola

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